
ព្យាយាម អប់រំ ជោគជ័យ


By MEY Sopheakdei

In the update method of teaching, there are many techniques that the teachers are able to make the students learn the language effectively through their activities. On the one hand, I have some most important expectation that the teacher can make me become an effective learner such as I can ask the questions easily, the teacher is punctual, the teacher treats students fairly, and the teacher is approachable.
First of all, I will be able to learn effectively both in class and at home if I can ask the questions easily when I do not understand the lesson or any ideas. Of course, there are a lot of difficulties through the lesson or daily life. I like the teacher when I have difficulty in lesson he or she is happy to explain me more and find out the techniques to explain me until I understand. However, I will get bored with the lesson when the teacher ignores me and leave me alone and I will feel isolated from the class. Actually, when the teacher is happy to answer my question and he or she can illustrate my wonder or my ignorance I will be happy coming to class regularly.
On the other hand, if my teacher comes to class regularly and punctually I have strong feeling to come to class. I will not be lazy coming to class. My thought is in my mind all the time because I think that my teacher is in the class now. The punctual activities will also reflect my respect and love. I will remind myself every day about punctuality of coming to class. Moreover, teacher will have enough time to give the lesson through his or her prepared lesson. I will be able to have chance to learn many lessons during the class. When I get into the class I do not see the teacher or when I wait for him or her so long I will not have the emotion to study because my mind is exhausted of being late of the teacher.
Furthermore, I will learn effectively when my teacher treats fairly among all students. He or she does not bias when he or she correct the exercises or give mark easily to his or her loved ones. Whereas other students who study hard, get lower mark than the loved one, so I do not want to study anymore because I think that if I try to study harder I will get the low score. However, when I learn with the fair teacher I will have the emotion and willing to study harder because I want to compete with the other students. This will show about my effective learning. Of course, I used to study with this kind of biased teacher before and after I saw my grade I did not have feeling to study anymore. I wanted to drop out of school because my grade could not be changed and I just heard the word sorry from him for doing so. So, I decided to change study session from evening to morning that I could relieve my pain. When I got that kind of bias my study fell down day by day. I expect that if my teacher has the fairly treatment I will be able to learn effectively.
Finally, I love the teacher who is approachable because being a student; I need more help for my academic life. When I have chance to talk to the teacher I will be proud of myself and I think that I will have known the resourceful and helpful person. Actually, I cannot pick up the word to describe this kind of emotion when I have a talk with the teacher. I am happier than usual. This emotion and feel will encourage me to learn harder and enjoy coming to class regularly, especially, this emotion will encourage me to participate in class activities more than before because knowing the teacher.
In short, I expect that I will learn more effectively if I can meet this kind of teacher such as I can ask the questions easily, the teacher is punctual, the teacher treats students fairly, and the teacher is approachable. It will express to me within my daily life in term of punctuality, morality, and the mean of social communication. These activities will not only show my effective learning, but also express my effective life or model of life. I expect that I will meet this kind of teacher that can make me learn more effective.

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